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RHS staff attend a conference—D’care

Between 26th and 27th, 2012, the big conference, D-Care, which organized by both Chongqing people’s government and royal Danish consulate southwest china, and jointly coordinated by a series of institutes, including Banan regional commission, Banan people’s government, trade and economy commission, is officially held in Chongqing municipality. This forum is regarded as the opening ceremony to start the cooperation between Chongqing and Denmark, Danish government is trying to build a D’care center in west of china in order to establish a international professional old care platform,create more enormous international marketing demands and cooperated chance.
On behalf of RHS, RHS architectural and ecological divisions all participated in this forum. After exchanging ideas and communicating with some Danish firms .like SHL, 1:1Architects and DEM, we completely grab and understand state-of-art theory and technology relevant to both old healthcare and building sectors. Meanwhile, our staff show organizational operational idea—opening to the outside world and restructure teamwork.


